Top Deep Eynde Albums
click on the album covers to see deep eynde lyrics inside the album
Blackout: The Dark Years
Blackout: The Dark Years
Spell Bound
Spell Bound
Bad Blood
Bad Blood
Suicide Drive
Suicide Drive
City Lights
City Lights
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Related Information for Deep Eynde
Listen to full tracks at The Deep Eynde is a Deathrock/Punk band from Los Angeles, California. Most known for their past theatrical live performances (which included colored plastic wrap outfits, real blood, fake abortions, live insects, worms, and an octopus suit) the band has grown in their style to encompass Punk, Gothic, Deathrock, Psychobilly, and Rock'n'Roll. The band has since been an influence for the second wave of Gothic Bands around the world including Cinema Strange and The Phantom Limbs. The Deep Eynde began in 1990 with singer Fate Fatal and locals at an old drug house in the San Fernando Valley. The Deep Eynde was put on pause in 1992 when Fate was asked... read more
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