Dirty is a Southern hip hop duo from Montgomery, Alabama) in 1999. The duo consists of cousins Big Pimp (Daniel Thomas, born 1978) and Mr. G Stacka The Gangsta (Tarvares Webster, born 1983).The first major rap artists out of Alabama, they released their debut album, Country Versatile in 1999. After their second album sold well regionally, they signed with Universal Records, who re-released the overlooked Southern classic,The Pimp & da Gangsta nationally in 2001. Their second album for Universal was 2002's Keep It Pimp & Gangsta. By this time, they signed to Rap-A-Lot Records and started their own label, as well, entitled, Blackklown. In 2003, they released their next album, Love Us or Hate Us. n 2007, the group decided... read more