Top Element Of Surprise Albums
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U: pside Down - EP
U: pside Down - EP
Demo 2: 001
Demo 2: 001
Related Information for Element Of Surprise
Drifting along melodies securely surpassed by unmerciful charges of guitar power and relentless bass rhythms, Element of Surprise ends up combining inspiring tunes of pop/rock with the most hostile scopes of the metal style. Originating out of the reunion of several Bay Area bandmembers not satisfied with their previous outfits, Element of Surprise assembled in San Francisco in the year 2000. Jean Baudin (bass) and Steve Sigaty (drums), both former members of Nuclear Rabbit , were the founding duo of Surprise, with vocalist Andy Slipka (Tribal Disco Noise ) and guitarist Raye Medeiros (Ten Man Killer) finishing the team's lineup. Sharing considerable stage experience mostly due to the work with their earlier bands, the team slowly star... read more
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