Top Fresh Daily Albums
click on the album covers to see fresh daily lyrics inside the album
The Quiet Life
The Quiet Life
The Quiet Life 2
The Quiet Life 2
Yosoy Music Presents the Collection No. 7 - EP
Yosoy Music Presents the Collection No. 7 - EP
The Gorgeous Killer
The Gorgeous Killer
Related Information for Fresh Daily
Good music, dope flows, fresh tees and kicks define the personal style of Brooklyn native Fresh Daily, a rising lyricist who is taking an impressive multifaceted approach to Hip Hop. As an emcee, graphic designer, this artist’s persona and prowess make it hard to disagree with his self-proclaimed title of himself as “the New Jack of Brooklyn boom bap”. Of his rap moniker he says: "Fresh Daily just fits me right, I stay fresh all day, every day, with the rhymes, with the style". Under the former name, Ill Tarzan the lyricist gained notoriety on the NYC underground circuit. He recently released a well received/critically acclaimed mixtape online called "Tomorrow is Today". High Water Music will be releasing... read more
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