Top From Indian Lakes Albums
click on the album covers to see from indian lakes lyrics inside the album
Head Void Tapes
Head Void Tapes
From Indian Lakes (Session #3) [Audiotree Live]
From Indian Lakes (Session #3) [Audiotree Live]
Head Void
Head Void
Dimly Lit
Dimly Lit
Dissonance / It Pulls You Up - EP
Dissonance / It Pulls You Up - EP
Efbn Tapes
Efbn Tapes
Everything Feels Better Now
Everything Feels Better Now
Wanderer - EP
Wanderer - EP
Absent Sounds
Absent Sounds
Able Bodies
Able Bodies
Acoustic EP - EP
Acoustic EP - EP
The Man With Wooden Legs
The Man With Wooden Legs
Related Information for From Indian Lakes
From Indian Lakes is an American indie rock band founded by Joey Vannucchi in early 2009. Vannucchi began songwriting in a small mountain community just outside Yosemite National Park and later enlisted the help of friends to perform his material. From Indian Lakes independently released "The Man With Wooden Legs" in the winter of 2009. However, it was the band’s sophomore album “Able Bodies” that gained acclaim when it was released independently in 2012. Vannucchi continues to evolve the band's sound into music that “blurs the boundaries of genres like indie, post-rock and alternative” and From Indian Lakes anticipates their third release, "Absent Sounds", on Triple Crown Records. - Wikipedia... read more
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