Top Gino Padilla Albums
click on the album covers to see gino padilla lyrics inside the album
El Hombre
El Hombre
Let me be the one
Let me be the one
Silent Heart
Silent Heart
Shifting Gears
Shifting Gears
Related Information for Gino Padilla
Multi-awarded singer-songwriter and record producer, Gino Padilla was first noticed by the Filipino music fanatics when he performed with Tina Turner for a Pepsi commercial shot in Hollywood. Upon the prodding of his cousin Zsa Zsa Padilla, he tried his luck in the Philippines. His first major exposure was in a Zsa Zsa Padilla concert, where he was introduced during the late '80s. His single "Closer You and I" was used by a toothpaste commercial, and had won the Awit Award as Record of the Year and Song of the Year.... read more
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