Top Graupel Albums
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Etherial - Single
Etherial - Single
Auf alten Wegen...
Auf alten Wegen...
Related Information for Graupel
Graupel are a German black metal band formed in 1995; lineup initially included three members of the superb Nagelfar, but currently only vocalist Zingultus of the original lineup and Gnarl (joined in 1997, also of Verdunkeln) are from the now defunct band. Musically, they're along the lines of earlier Nagelfar with an added edge of obscurity and icy blasting.Als der Nebel… (demo, 2001)s/t (split w/ Encomium, 2004)Auf alten Wegen… (LP, 2005)Lauschangriff… (split w/ Endstille, 2006)For official info visit:... read more
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