Hana Pestle (born July 11, 1989), currently working under the mononym
HANA, is a singer-songwriter from Billings, Montana. She started performing live in Montana at the age of 14 with just her acoustic guitar. In 2006, at the age of 16, one of
Hana’s performance DVDs reached producers and writers Michael “Fish” Herring and Ben Moody. Over the next 18 months, as
Hana shuttled between Billings West High School to finish her senior year and Los Angeles to write and record, she crafted her debut album, This Way. It was released on September 22, 2009. Since then, she has released an array of EPs and covers, and more recently has worked with BloodPop®. In 2015, she toured with Grimes and Lana Del Rey. Her self-title...
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