I Pixel are an Italian musical group originating from La Spezia.The band was born in 2013 from an idea by Andrea Briselli (voice and guitar) and Alex Ferri (guitar and keyboard), to which Nicola Giannarelli (bass) and Marco Curti (drums) were subsequently added to the line-up.After a self-produced demo ('Finchè c’è Tempo', 2014), their first EP, 'Niente e Subito', was released for La Clinica Dischi in 2015 and was followed the following year by 'Mondo Vuoto', with which the band starts on a tour that has stopped in various clubs and festivals in northern and central Italy. Two singles have been extracted from this disc : 'Non Importa Se Sto Morendo Se ad Uccidermi Sei Tu' and 'Fine della F... read more