Top Introvert Albums
click on the album covers to see introvert lyrics inside the album
Mending Breaking - EP
Mending Breaking - EP
Somewhere in Between
Somewhere in Between
A Collection of Failed Attempts to Breathe
A Collection of Failed Attempts to Breathe
Intimidasi Perisai Dosa
Intimidasi Perisai Dosa
Visage - EP
Visage - EP
Drifting Through Static - EP
Drifting Through Static - EP
Hero Tracks - EP
Hero Tracks - EP
5AM Illusions
5AM Illusions
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Related Information for Introvert
There are more than one artist under name Introvert (Metallic Hardcore band from Brisbane, Australia)Metallic Hardcore/Dark PunkTodd - VocalsDarcy - GuitarSko - DrumsJordan - BassStarting in the early months of 2010, Introvert (then known as Make or Break) originally began playing melodic hardcore taking after artists such as Verse and Have Heart. After a few shows and multiple bassists, the band decided they wanted something heavier, darker while also staying true to the bands love for punk, finding inspiration from artists such as The Chariot, Dangers, Trap Them and Converge. The 2010 demo is currently being mixed, to be released officially by November. 2. Introvert (melodic techno artis... read more
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