Jeff Dunham is a ventriloquist and stand-up comedian. He has performed on numerous comedy shows including Comedy Central Presents in 2003. Some of his usual puppets include a woozle named Peanut, a bitter old man named Walter, and José Jalapeño - a talking jalapeño pepper on a stick. His latest DVD,
Jeff Dunham: Arguing With Myself, was released in April 2006. In this stand-up offering, Jeff opens his show playing straight-man to his usual crew and includes four recently added characters. Sweet Daddy D, Bubba J, Melvin the Superhero Guy, and Achmed the Dead Terrorist.PuppetsPeanutPeanut is a purple woozle with purple fur, a small tuft of green hair on his head (which, according to Dunham, are Ostrich feathers), and only one sh...
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