Top Jeshi Albums
click on the album covers to see jeshi lyrics inside the album
Airbag Woke Me Up
Airbag Woke Me Up
HURRICANE (feat. LEILAH) - Single
HURRICANE (feat. LEILAH) - Single
The Great Stink - EP
The Great Stink - EP
Universal Credit
Universal Credit
Universal Credit (Deluxe)
Universal Credit (Deluxe)
The Worlds Spinning Too Fast
The Worlds Spinning Too Fast
Pussy Palace - EP
Pussy Palace - EP
Duets & Collaborations (1)
Related Information for Jeshi
Jeshi’s journey to making Universal Credit, his open-hearted and heavy-hitting debut album, began with a desire to take his music further, to say something he’d not yet said on EPs like 2020’s BAD TASTE or The Worlds Spinning Too Fast. Universal Credit is an album that gifts humanity back to the demonised and lays bare the truth behind the prejudice; that nobody is immune from hardship and that luck plays a major role in everybody’s fate. Universal Credit comes from a place of honesty and heart from an artist unafraid to say the things that make him most uncomfortable. “I’ve just reached a point in my life where I’m not interested in pretending to be anything that I’m not,” he says. “The only thing I can be the best at is being a 100... read more
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