Top John Oszajca Albums
click on the album covers to see john oszajca lyrics inside the album
Save Us Tonight - Single
Save Us Tonight - Single
Elephant Graveyard
Elephant Graveyard
First Sign of Anything
First Sign of Anything
From There to Here
From There to Here
Official page John Oszajca mp3
Related Information for John Oszajca
John Oszajca, described by Robert Hillburn of The Los Angeles Times as "a writer who exhibits a winning feel for melodies and, especially words”, was born and raised in the tiny town of Waimanalo, Hawaii. After relocating to Los Angeles John soon became an integral part of the Los Angeles music scene and he was quickly signed to Interscope Records for whom he released his debut album, FROM THERE TO HERE, and later to Warner Brothers, for whom he released FIRST SIGN OF ANYTHING. John’s third album, ELEPHANT GRAVEYARD will be available March 13, 2007.John Oszajca has been heard on radio stations across the world, received video airplay on MTV, and has received praise from The Los Angeles Times, Rolling Stone, People, Entert... read more
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