Top Juanello Albums
click on the album covers to see juanello lyrics inside the album
A mi manera (My way) - Single
A mi manera (My way) - Single
Qué Esperabas
Qué Esperabas
Recordar Es Vivir
Recordar Es Vivir
Juanello - Grandes Hits
Juanello - Grandes Hits
Amor de porcelana
Amor de porcelana
Related Information for Juanello
JUANELLOAn extraordinary Singer born in Mexico, in a town known as Remonta, near the municipality of Atoyac de Alvarez, State of Guerrero. He is one of the artists who have had a hard beginning due to the fact of not being naturally handsome. Back in 1970, he met with Song-Writers: Salvador Velazquez, Paul Alonso and other musicians to Record his First Demos. The Vinyl containing 3 Songs was released: "Espejismo (Mirage), "Que esperabas" (What would you expect), and "Pagina Leida" (Page already read) was distributed and played in many juke-boxes. This 45 rpm record was the preamble of his short Career, but his VOICE and Music are re-known all over the AMERICAS. Visit this Link for Sample Music:http://www.yout... read more
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