“If you’ve never had your dad sit you down and give you ‘the talk’ about men and women, this is a great album for you to listen to.” Normally, such a description of an artist’s debut album –particularly one curiously titled Caviar and Jacuzzi Dreams– would test one’s ability to keep a straight face. But for newcomer KAPTN, the mystique befits the man: as described by industry stalwarts, “he’s a swagged out rapper that looks like Brad Pitt;” in his own words, he’s the “White Tyrese.” Whatever he is, KAPTN is the guy who had Timbaland frothing to collaborate. And he sports similar co-signs from Justin Timberlake, Miley Cyrus, and Ludacris. Simply put, he’s a global sensation in the making. But just who is KAPTN?“KAPTN... read more