Top Laith Al-deen Albums
click on the album covers to see laith al-deen lyrics inside the album
Paket Hoffnung & So nah - Single
Paket Hoffnung & So nah - Single
Neu Geboren - EP
Neu Geboren - EP
Dein Begleiter
Dein Begleiter
Familie - EP
Familie - EP
Kein Tag umsonst
Kein Tag umsonst
Bleib unterwegs
Bleib unterwegs
Nur wenn sie daenzt - EP
Nur wenn sie daenzt - EP
Was wenn alles gut geht
Was wenn alles gut geht
Die Liebe zum Detail
Die Liebe zum Detail
Leb den Tag - EP
Leb den Tag - EP
Warten und Schweigen
Warten und Schweigen
Die Frage wie
Die Frage wie
Laith Al-Deen (Live)
Laith Al-Deen (Live)
Meilenweit (feat. Zoe) - EP
Meilenweit (feat. Zoe) - EP
Für alle
Für alle
Alles an dir - EP
Alles an dir - EP
Jetzt, hier, immer - EP
Jetzt, hier, immer - EP
Ich will nur wissen...
Ich will nur wissen...
Related Information for Laith Al-deen
Laith Sascha Al-Deen is a german pop musician, who was born in 1972 in Karlsruhe, Germany.Raised by his German mother and his Iraqi father in the USA and Mannheim, where he still lives, he released his first album "Ich will nur wissen"(I just want to know) in 2000 and gained first success with the hit singles "Bilder von dir" (Pictures of you) and "Kleine Helden" (Little Heroes).In 2002, he released his second full length album "Melomanie" which includes the songs "Dein Lied" (Your Song) and "Jetzt, Hier, Immer" (Now, here, always).In 2004, his third LP "Für alle" (For Everyone) connected to his early success and showed, that Al-Deen was evolving with his pop music. With... read more
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