Top Lamia Albums
click on the album covers to see lamia lyrics inside the album
Neka Neka - Single
Neka Neka - Single
Время летучих мышей
Время летучих мышей
La Maquina de Dios
La Maquina de Dios
Dark Angel
Dark Angel
Related Information for Lamia
Originally founded under the name of Nyx with industrial-techno tendencies, the band composed by Juan Andrés Celasco, Maximiliano Schneider and Lucio Moschella, which performed from early 1994 to late 2000 in the underground scene of Buenos Aires. 2001: New name –> Lamia. A search for a new aesthethic begin working the fusion between antique music with electronics. But something essential lacked for this project: a female voice. 2002: Claudia Rolando joined Lamia and Twilight Records offered them the production of a debut album: "Dark Angel". Suddenly after Cali's addition to the line-up, Maximiliano and Lucio left the band. 2003: "Dark Angel" was released in Germany by the label Black Rain R... read more
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