Top Leena Ihmemaassa Albums
click on the album covers to see leena ihmemaassa lyrics inside the album
Leena Ihmemaassa
Leena Ihmemaassa
Onnun - Single
Onnun - Single
Piru - Single
Piru - Single
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Related Information for Leena Ihmemaassa
Leena Ihmemaassa (en. Leena in Wonderland) (born Leena Tirronen) is a Finnish singer, who came 3rd in the Finnish X-Factor in 2010. piru was Leena's first single from her debut album. The second single was onnun. Leena Ihmemaassa worked the album with Rauli Eskolin. Leena Ihmemaassa first album is called leena ihmemaassa and it was released on December 29th in 2010.... read more
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