Lividity began as a 1 man project in 1993 with Dave, victimizing the underground with his first 3 song promo '94 recorded on a Yamaha 4 track recorder and a drum machine containing 3 songs… Altar Pieces, Mortal Impalement, and Spewing Chunks!! The ideas were dark and dismal, yet heavy and torturous!! As you will hear influences taken from such great bands as Hypocrisy, Bloodfeast, Cannibal Corpse, Obituary, Paralysis, Dismember, Suffocation, etc… molded into what will become
Lividity!! Tommy Davis joined in on drums and vocals, adding depth to the mix and recording a rehearsal demo titled, "Ritual Of Mortal Impalement" '95 with 9 songs like Graveyard Delicacy, The Process Of Disembowelment, F...
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