Born 1992, the world was a tiny bit softer of a place. Years passed and the world shifted, burned, twisted, shook, and fell to chaos. L.U.R. emerged from the diseased ashes;
Loktavious Unholy Rapture in 2008, taking the time to learn how to smash the stage, and making his first appearances in 2013.Acts that
Loktavious has opened up for include but are not limited to: Liquid Assassin, Black Pegasus, R.A. the Rugged Man, Whitney Peyton, Do or Die, Q-Dot, Essay Potna, and many more!2014 marks the beginning of a professional era for
Loktavious with his first studio piece;
Loktavious Rises the Mixtape.Keep your eyes out, he's corrupting(changing for the better) the world, one line at a time.He is here to scream f...
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