There is more than one artist with this name:1.
Lost is an Italian indie/pop rock band consisting of four boys from Vicenza and Thiene, in northern Italy.2.
Lost is a band from Poland. They are a crust/punk band playing gloomy and slow hardcore. Agnes of Homomilitia sings, her vocal style has been perfected to a deep and dark guttural place, which compliments
Lost`s guitar-driven metallic edge. The band has made
LOST: Thoughtless /Bez Zastanowienia EP and Fear /Strach LP/CD.
LOST is on hiatus right now (since their drummer moved out of the country).3. LOST is a band from Japan. Their music has a post hardcore sound to it. Their influance comes from a wide range of bands including: Deftones, Radiohead, Tool...
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