Top Misanthrope Albums
click on the album covers to see misanthrope lyrics inside the album
Immortal Wars in Eden (Live)
Immortal Wars in Eden (Live)
Unscarred - EP
Unscarred - EP
I Am Drowning
I Am Drowning
Bâtisseur de cathédrales (Les fissures de l'édifice)
Bâtisseur de cathédrales (Les fissures de l'édifice)
Alpha X omega (Le magistère de l'abnégation)
Alpha X omega (Le magistère de l'abnégation)
Acidrome - Single
Acidrome - Single
Ænigma Mystica (Bonus)
Ænigma Mystica (Bonus)
Metal Hurlant
Metal Hurlant
Misanthro-thérapie - 15 années d'analyse
Misanthro-thérapie - 15 années d'analyse
Sadistic Sex Daemon
Sadistic Sex Daemon
Misanthrope Immortel
Misanthrope Immortel
Immortal Misanthrope
Immortal Misanthrope
Recueil d'écueils : Les épaves... et autres œuvres interdites
Recueil d'écueils : Les épaves... et autres œuvres interdites
Libertine Humiliations
Libertine Humiliations
Misanthrope twitter Misanthrope mp3
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L'envol Aquarium Passion Millionaire Monolith In Ruins Maimed Liberty And Also The Lotus Millionaire Passion Miracle 2: Evangile The Grey Orchard Atlas Track Comments To 'hater Of Mankind' Les Lamentations Du Diable (diabolical Lamentations) Visionnaire Velvet Solemn Quest Unsubdued Redemption Totem Of Doubt Total Eclipse Chaos Standing At The Galaxy Sous L'eclat Blanc Du Nouveau Millonaire Schattengesang Les Litanies De Satan Solstice Of Poetries Nuit Androgyne (androgyne Night) Au Baiser De Vermeil Le Lanceur D'ames Miracle 3: The Mandrake Impermanence Et Illumination Childhood Memories Emperors Of Nothingness La Momie De Marianne Reve Lezarde The Soul Thrower Exiled Existence La Druidesse Du Gevaudan Contes Fantasmagoriques My Black Soul Espoir En Enfer Le Roman Noir Khopirron Eden Massacre Courtisane Syphilitique Hater Of Mankind Hands Of The Puppeteers Gargantuan Decline G'n'rique Futile Future Forever (shattered) Failure Doomed By The Living Dead Deus Puerilis Crisis Of Soul Humiliations Libertines Combattant Sans Sepulture Botisseur De Cathedrales Blaspheme The Earth At 666 Days... Aphrodite Marine Antiquary To Mediocrity Aesthethic Fluttering 2666... 1666... Theatre Bizarre La Rencontre Revue Pirouetting Through The Gloom Paradoxical Burial Mylene Misanthrope Necromancer Mind Building Medieval Embroidery Maudit Sois Tu Soleil! Matador De L'extreme Le Silence Des Grottes Silence La Derniere Pierre La Demiurge La Dandy L'erotique Courtoise L'ecume Des Chouans L'autre Hiver Irreverencieux Hypochondrium Forces
Related Information for Misanthrope
There are several bands with the name Misanthrope:1) Misanthrope is a French death/avant-garde metal band formed in 1989. S.A.S de l'Argilière (vocals) and Jean-Jacques Moréac (bass) also released an album under the name Argile. The current line-up features members of Korum, Balrog and Lyzanxia. 2) Misanthrope is an australian breakcore artist.3) Misanthrope is a black metal band from Colombia.4) Misanthrope is a death/thrash metal/grindcore/doom metal band from the United States.... read more
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