Top Mutiny Within Albums
click on the album covers to see mutiny within lyrics inside the album
Dystopian Tomorrow - Single
Dystopian Tomorrow - Single
Mutiny Within 2 - Synchronicity
Mutiny Within 2 - Synchronicity
Mutiny Within
Mutiny Within
Related Information for Mutiny Within
“Keep it heavy, keep it fast and keep it clever. Never pace to anything. It is an active record.” That’s how bassist Andrew “AJ” Jacobs, the sole founding member, effectively encapsulated what Mutiny Within and their self-titled debut are abouthe resulting album, Mutiny Within, is the culmination of years of figuring it out, getting it together and finally making it work and it’s all manifested in an album that is almost shocking in its technical prowess and its use of melody amid maelstrom.Jacobs can sum up Mutiny Within’s sound as “shred with clean vocals, with a little bit of screaming, metal riffs, accessible parts and a lot of melody. We wanted to get all the melody in therehat is the number one thing for us. We wa... read more
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