Top Nightbringer Albums
click on the album covers to see nightbringer lyrics inside the album
Terra Damnata
Terra Damnata
Ego Dominus Tuus
Ego Dominus Tuus
Death and the Black Work
Death and the Black Work
Hierophany of the Open Grave
Hierophany of the Open Grave
Apocalypse Sun
Apocalypse Sun
Death and the Black Work + Rex Ex Ordine Throni
Death and the Black Work + Rex Ex Ordine Throni
Related Information for Nightbringer
Nightbringer partook in a Horde of Darkenwood compilation CD with two songs and then recorded another two songs in 2002, “The Void” and “Mors Philosophorum”. These later two tracks were eventually used for the Nightbringer / Temple of Not “Rex Ex Ordine Throni” Split CD released on FMP in 2005, with the addition of two new songs recorded between 2003 and 2004 entitled, “The Dark and the Silence” and Nightbringer's “Vir Sapiens Dominabitur Astris”. Nightbringer's music on the Nightbringer / Temple of Not “Rex Ex Ordine Throni” Split CD has been described as "dark, scathing occult black metal of a higher caliber." Temple of Not is a project of Nightbringer's members and appea... read more
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