Top Noothgrush Albums
click on the album covers to see noothgrush lyrics inside the album
Erode the Person: Anthology 1997-1998
Erode the Person: Anthology 1997-1998
Live for Nothing
Live for Nothing
Failing Early, Failing Often
Failing Early, Failing Often
Related Information for Noothgrush
In 1994, in Oakland, California, Gary Niederhoff and Chiyo Nukaga decided to start a band that played slow, heavy, riff-based music. They were soon joined by Tom Choi and Luis DaVilla. Their slow tempos and sound was punctuated by a severe low-end attack when Gary and Luis both played bass on many songs. Turned out Tom and Luis had different ideas on direction and just several months into the project and directly after recording the songs they had written together, both of them departed.Russ Kent joined, new songs were being written and the band began playing out. Matt Harvey (Dekapitator, Exhumed, ex-Athrenody, ex-Gravehill, ex-Repulsion, ex-Scarecrow) took over second guitar for a short time, before Gary took over his spot, while Al Ruel... read more
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