Top North Side Kings Albums
click on the album covers to see north side kings lyrics inside the album
Suburban Royalty
Suburban Royalty
Organizing Our Neighborhood
Organizing Our Neighborhood
A Family Affair
A Family Affair
This Thing of Ours
This Thing of Ours
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Related Information for North Side Kings
Arizona’s North Side Kings formed in late 1999 out of disgust towards all the P. C. bullshit bands that were being lumped into what is called "hardcore." Through the years North Side Kings have made their presence known across the world with their no holds barred attitude and their blunt honesty. Often and easily offensive, this band carries no middle groundre either really despised or extremely well liked. But, whatever opinions run rapid, they are one of the most talked about hardcore bands today. This is real deal hardcore, straight forward and to the point. There is nothing poetic about NSK’s lyrics, nor do they attempt to hide the fact that the music they play is "caveman friendly." NSK have released t... read more
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