Top Nox Aurea Albums
click on the album covers to see nox aurea lyrics inside the album
Ascending in Triumph
Ascending in Triumph
Via Gnosis
Via Gnosis
Related Information for Nox Aurea
Nox Aurea was born in early autumn 2005 in Gothenburg, Sweden when the friends Peter (Rimfrost, Urginnthul, The Cold Existence) and Vindkall (Domgård, Urginnthul, Gand Marder, V) after some rehearsals without any directions or plans, decided to start a musical project and make a few songs together. The result was very different from both of the member's earlier experiences, but it was one of the purposes with this project; to create something different than their other creations. The dark seed of Nox Aurea was sown and the flower of death has grown fast.In the beginning of 2007 Peter and Vindkall decided to recruit two new members, Peters friends Jan Sallander and Robert Persson. The following year the singer Alice Persel... read more
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