Top Orleya Albums
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Orleya Sings 2
Orleya Sings 2
Orleya Sings
Orleya Sings
Two Lights
Two Lights
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Related Information for Orleya
Born October 22, 1982, and from an early age Orleya showed a passion for music. At 15, already widely dominated the piano, composing frantically around the clock to then start to take her first and small shows.Just returned from Berklee College of Music decided to record first demo which ended up in the hands of the prestigious producer Seoan, who had just returned from a trip of more than two months in India and was looking to merge with Western voices all sounds discovered. Orleya was commissioned to record the song Myati which would become the first single and quickly rang both radios, and television clubs and curtains. The second Orleya album is published in Spain. It consists of 12 classic, in which the singer is... read more
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