1) In May 2006, British singer John Lawton (ex-Uriah Heep and Lucifer's Friend) and Dutch guitar player Jan Dumée (ex-Focus) joined forces to create a new rock band that would combine their different styles in one strong new project, to be called "On The Rocks" or, more simply, with Lawton and Dumée are Brazilian musicians Ney Conceição on bass, Xande Figueiredo on drums, and Marvio Ciribelli on keyboards. Their debut album, called "Mamonama", is scheduled for an October 10th 2008 release.2) "Otierre" (aka "OTR") are an italian hip hop band. The name means Originale Trasmissione del Ritmo (Original Rhythm Transmission). "OTR" was formed in 1... read more