He was on ShowTime at The Apollo at 9 years old. He's 23 now, that's over 15 years ago and his dream is still the same. He still has that same mindset he had as a kid. I'm going to be a star!" Words like these are hard to come by with most unsigned Hip Hop acts. In some cases rappers haven't even broke their first year mark as an emcee. Oun-P obliterates that connotation. Born into a "Hip Hop Family" as Oun-P calls it, with his father being a local rapper/DJ, Oun-P had no choice but to live through Hip Hop. "I would come home from school and my father would be in the living room spinning records then he would just throw me the mic. As I got older and older, I gave it back less and less." Oun-P... read more