There are two bands with the name
Palehorse ;1.) London two-bass heavy band2.) Connecticut Hardcore Band1.) The London band
Palehorse formed in 2000 out of the ashes of three U.K. Hardcore bands Abjure, Kneejerk and Sunstarvedday. The original lineup consisted of Sandro Ferramacho-Vocals (Sunstarvedday), Seedi-Vocals (Abjure, Thanksfornothing, Garuda, Armed Response Unit) Tom Fowler-Bass (Abjure, The Record Buying Public, Million Dead) John Atkins-Bass (Sunstarvedday, The Record Buying Public, Queen of Swords, The Aftermath) and Ben Dawson-Drums (Kneejerk, Million Dead, Armed Response Unit, Queen of Swords, Mothlite, Thanksfornothing, Sunstarvedday, The Aftermath and Mongol Horde).The band played their first gig at the now de...
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