Top Proleter Albums
click on the album covers to see proleter lyrics inside the album
A Letter to Anieta - Single
A Letter to Anieta - Single
After the Party - Single
After the Party - Single
By Your Side - Single
By Your Side - Single
Don't Look Back - Single
Don't Look Back - Single
April Showers (The Platinum EP) - EP
April Showers (The Platinum EP) - EP
Bubbles - EP
Bubbles - EP
Život Nije Fer
Život Nije Fer
Life Playing Tricks - EP
Life Playing Tricks - EP
Feeding the Lions EP
Feeding the Lions EP
Rookie EP
Rookie EP
Curses from Past Times EP
Curses from Past Times EP
Related Information for Proleter
1) ProleteR is a French Instrumental Hip Hop producer. Making a mix between heavy boom bap hip hop beats and oldschool swing/jazz samples. He released in november 2011, his first EP called "Curses from past times", which track "April showers" became very popular on the web, and he recently came up with a new release, "Feeding the lions" EP. 2) Proleter je power trio iz Zagreba kojeg čine Antonio, Roland i Tin. Njihove pjesme spoj su pop punka i punk rocka, a utjecaji su im uglavnom bendovi kojih će se najbolje sjećati svi odrasli krajem 90ih i početkom ovog tisućljeća. Dečki su dosad "odradili" popriličan broj gigova, što po festivalima, što po klubovima. Njihov prvi album "Život nije fer&... read more
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