Sarcastic (USA) was formed in 2005 by vainangel and Chris Pi.The other 'groups' are either not performing bands or production studios.
Sarcastic from Florida is registered with BMI and is currently active in Gainesville, FL. 2.
Sarcastic (MEXICO) was a Death Metal band. They released a cult album in 1992.3.
Sarcastic (BRAZIL), Genre: Death Metal/Grindcore/Gore, Lyrical theme: GoreOrigin: Brazil (Farroupilha, Rio Grande do Sul) , Formed in 1989, Status: Hiatus. They released 2 demo-tapes, 1 EP & 1 CD!4.
Sarcastic (SWEDEN) Black/Thrash Metal, 4 demos6.
Sarcastic (INDONESIA) Thrash Metal, active, 1 album released in 2004!7.
Sarcastic (CZECH REP) Thrash Metal, formed in 1991. Acti...
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