Top Serpent Albums
click on the album covers to see serpent lyrics inside the album
To Be Loved - EP
To Be Loved - EP
Amb la rancúnia pròpia d'un lletraferit - EP
Amb la rancúnia pròpia d'un lletraferit - EP
Lluna roja
Lluna roja
Ocean of Acid Tears - EP
Ocean of Acid Tears - EP
Pseudoinfinite - EP
Pseudoinfinite - EP
The Weather Channel
The Weather Channel
Photorealistic Indulgence - Single
Photorealistic Indulgence - Single
Dial Up
Dial Up
Do It for My N****s
Do It for My N****s
Slaves of Babylon
Slaves of Babylon
Advice to Young Lovers
Advice to Young Lovers
Autumn Ride
Autumn Ride
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Related Information for Serpent
There is more than one artist with this name:1. Biography:Serpent is a Japanese Melodic Death Metal band with a very significant, overall Neo-Classical sound signature. They also got traces of the 80s HR/HM (Hard Rock/Heavy Metal), Japanese Pop from that same era and black metal. This all makes up for the unique sound that the band holds.They began as a Death Metal band under the name "Awaken" in 1993 but the members decided to re-name the band as "Serpent" after that their drummer (who also formed the band) "Keija" heard an In Flames album in 1994. They then wrote music in that same vein.Their first, debut, full-length album "Cradle of Insanity" was released in 2005. Their latest album... read more
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