There is more than one artist with this name: an indie acoustic rock act formed in London, UK in 1995, and a heavy metal band formed in Wellington, New Zealand in 1996.1.)
Shakhan is an indie acoustic rock act formed in London, UK in 1995. The line up consisted of Davyd Homan and Shoshanah Homan. The founder and mainstay of
Shakhan is Davyd Homan who is from New Zealand.
Shakhan released their debut album The System in 2004, a collection of protest songs. This met with some reaction to its lyrical content. In 2005
Shakhan (Davyd Homan) moved to Australia where he chiselled away at recording technique and writing new material. The result of this was a double release in 2011 of The System (remix) a remastered re-...
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