Top Sido Albums
click on the album covers to see sido lyrics inside the album
Desde Abajo
Desde Abajo
Weihnachtssong 2016  - EP
Weihnachtssong 2016 - EP
Weihnachtssong 2016 - EP
Weihnachtssong 2016 - EP
Das goldene Album
Das goldene Album
Ich & meine Maske (Premium Version)
Ich & meine Maske (Premium Version)
Hey Du
Hey Du
Aggro Berlin
Aggro Berlin
Schlechtes Vorbild - EP
Schlechtes Vorbild - EP
Ein Teil von mir - EP
Ein Teil von mir - EP
Strassenjunge - EP
Strassenjunge - EP
Mama ist stolz (Limited Edition) - EP
Mama ist stolz (Limited Edition) - EP
Mama ist stolz - EP
Mama ist stolz - EP
Mama ist stolz - Single
Mama ist stolz - Single
Arschf*cksong - EP
Arschf*cksong - EP
Fuffies im Club
Fuffies im Club
Mein Block - EP
Mein Block - EP
Maske X
Maske X
Duets & Collaborations (10)
Related Information for Sido
Sido is the stage name of the Berlin rapper Paul Würdig (born November 30th, 1980), one of the most successful artists of the German record label Aggro Berlin. Sido distinguishes himself through uncomfortable, provocative, aggressive lyrics. He often wears a silver mask.The name is an abbreviation that is spelled as "super-intelligentes Drogenopfer" = "super intelligent drug victim". However this is the new interpretation while originally the name did spell as "Scheisse in Dein Ohr" = "shit (goes) into your ears".In 2004, Sido's debut album, "Maske" ("Mask"), sold more than 100,000 copies in less than a month. In September of that year, the rapper won a pr... read more
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