Top Sisqo Albums
click on the album covers to see sisqo lyrics inside the album
Genesis - EP
Genesis - EP
Last Dragon
Last Dragon
Return Of Dragon
Return Of Dragon
Return of the Dragon
Return of the Dragon
Unleash the Dragon
Unleash the Dragon
Related Information for Sisqo
Sisqó (born Mark Althavan Andrews) is an R&B singer, one of the five members of Dru Hill. After Woody left the group in 1999 to pursue a solo career, it was decided that the other three members would do the same. Sisqó was the only member besides Woody to actually release his solo LP (Jazz recorded a solo LP that was shelved, and Nokio never finished his). Sisqó's solo debut. Unleash the Dragon, was released on Def Soul Records in November 1999. Unleash the Dragon sold moderately at first, until the February 2000 release of its second single, "Thong Song". A runaway hit, "Thong Song" and its follow-up, "Incomplete," were major hits on the Billboard Hot 100 charts, with "Thong Song" making it... read more
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