Top Teodora Albums
click on the album covers to see teodora lyrics inside the album
Сърцето мое - Single
Сърцето мое - Single
Žena Bez Adrese
Žena Bez Adrese
Либе ле
Либе ле
Сърце не ми остана
Сърце не ми остана
Moyat nomer
Moyat nomer
Byagai  - Single
Byagai  - Single
Мой късмет
Мой късмет
Недовършена целувка
Недовършена целувка
Nedovarshena tseluvka
Nedovarshena tseluvka
Някой като мен
Някой като мен
Желание за грях
Желание за грях
Related Information for Teodora
Teodora was born on February 10, 1997 in Kacarevo. Her mother is Serbian and her father is Muslim. Teodora currently lives and works in Belgrade. She competed in the Grand Stars in the 2014/15 season. After that, Saša Popović formed the women's group Devils, which, in addition to Teodora, also included Tamara Milutinović and Gorana Babić. The group existed for six months, after which all the singers began their solo careers.... read more
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