Top Theo Bard Albums
click on the album covers to see theo bard lyrics inside the album
Now I am King
Now I am King
Inkus - EP
Inkus - EP
You Give EP
You Give EP
The Springtime Fool
The Springtime Fool
Having a Good Time Single
Having a Good Time Single
Listen Carefully E.P
Listen Carefully E.P
Related Information for Theo Bard
Theo Bard feels that his best way to communicate with the world is through music. Inspired by the stories found in traditional folk, he sets razor-sharp lyrics to a stripped-down acoustic sound, allowing his words to speak for themselves.Armed only with an electro-classical guitar, Theo is a one-man band with an ear for a lyric and a message for you. He's talking to you - are you listening carefully? His music covers all parts of his life with insight, poetry, honesty - and no little melody either. From friendship and love, through listening, fear and apathy, to a an easygoing lust for life, there is much to be found in this man's songs.... read more
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