Top Thick Albums
click on the album covers to see thick lyrics inside the album
Happy Now
Happy Now
5 Years Behind
5 Years Behind
Would You Rather? - EP
Would You Rather? - EP
It's Always Something... - EP
It's Always Something... - EP
Related Information for Thick
Based in Brooklyn and consisting of Sisti on guitar, Kate Black on bass, and Shari Page on drums, the best way to describe them would be “classically punk”. They represent some of the genre’s basic values. They talk about being pissed off and smashing things. They have refreshingly unclean presence and rudimentary visual aesthetics. In today's world of overproduced, polished pop tracks, they’re a rare instance of untainted grime, the audio equivalent of an unzoned venue’s graffitied walls. Their sound, their presence, their personality all accumulates into this angsty broth, a punky alphabet soup that spells “FUCK YOU!”... read more
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