Top Tsatthoggua Albums
click on the album covers to see tsatthoggua lyrics inside the album
We Are God
We Are God
Hallelujah Messiah
Hallelujah Messiah
Trans C**t Whip
Trans C**t Whip
Hosanna Bizarre
Hosanna Bizarre
Related Information for Tsatthoggua
Tsatthoggua was a black metal band obsessed with the BDSM worship. The band was found in 1989 in Marl (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany). Having their name extracted from a Howard Philips Lovecraft work, Tsatthoggua were formed in the city of Marl in 1989 having split-up in the year 2000. They left behind one demo, "Siegeswille" (1995), one EP entitled "German Black Metal" and two full-length albums, "Hosanna Bizarre" (1996), "Trans Cunt Whip" (1998).A new album "Extazia" (2000) was recorded and finished, but due to bad management on the record label's (Necropolis Records) part, it was never released.Tsatthoggua split 23rd of June, 2000.Website: read more
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