Top Within Y Albums
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Extended Mental Dimensions
Extended Mental Dimensions
Related Information for Within Y
Within Y was formed by Nikke Almen (guitar), Mikael Nordin (guitar) and Andreas Solveström (vocals) sometime during February/March 2002. In the end of March the same year Within Y hooks up with drummer Thim Blom. The band started to rehearse and wrote 4 deathmetal songs and in July 2002 Within Y started to record "Feeble and Weak". The demo was recorded in a music store called "Musikborsen" in Gothenburg. Within Y handled the whole recording process by themselves with a litte help by Matte Wanerstam who later on decided to join the band as the bass player. Now Within Y started to distribute the demo "Feeble and Weak" and got great response. At this point the band also got goo... read more
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