Demrick Shelton, better known by his stage name Young De, is a rapper from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, currently residing in Los Angeles, California. He is known for his collaborations with high profile artists such as Xzibit, Kurupt, Snoop Dogg, Too $hort and B-Real of Cypress Hill. He is also recognized as a protege of Kurupt and B-Real.The beginning of his career started in 2005 when Kurupt met the group 'Tangled Thoughts' which consisted of Young De, Casanova 'Cas' and Tekneek 'Tek' and took them to California. They released their debut album in 2007, titled 'From Philly 2 Cali' witch feat Kurupt, Roscoe, Reyes Bros and more. After the succes of their album they released 2 mixtapes t... read more