Walking hand in hand
Staring at the sand
Looking at the dirt
We've never seen before
And it's so obvious
It's so obvious
Well it's so obvious
So obvious
Listen to old records
We've never played before
Whisper in your ears
The things you like to hear
And it's so obvious
And it's so obvious
So obvious
So obvious
And it's so obvious
So obvious
Well it's so obvious
So obvious
Walking hand in hand
Staring at the sand
Looking at the dirt
We've never seen before
And it's obvious
So obvious
Well it's so obvious
So obvious
Listen to old records
We've never played before
Whisper in your ears
The things you like to hear
And it's obvious
Well it's so obvious
And it's obvious
So obvious
Well it's so obvious
Well it's so obvious
And it's obvious
So obvious
Well it's so obvious
So obvious
And it's so obvious
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