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Calling To You
Altar Boys
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Calling To You Lyrics

So many dreams have been crushed down
Heartaches that just never stop
I've seen the destruction this world can bring
They eyes that say there's no hope let me tell you something...

He's calling to you standing in darkness
He's calling to you in the shadows of the night
He's calling to you the grace just waits for you to take
He's calling to you won't you come to the light!
Fulfillment lasts only a season
Yea you reap what ever you sow
There's no need to live in confusion
God loves you so don't you know just let go


God doesn't need any reason
For loving us the way that He does
Just turn and see man the message we bring
You'll find new life in the Son let me tell you something

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): C. Stanley
Record Label(s): 1986 Frontline Records
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