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Blue Tears
Black Heart Procession
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Blue Tears Lyrics

Now I know that I must leave
And I can't remember when I ever felt so great
It was my time spent with you before the war

but now these blue tears
They keep falling
Falling down from my lonely eyes
They're falling for you

I can see the ship's reflection in your eyes
From behind me
Telling that I have no other way
And it was hard to turn and leave

Now these blue tears
They keep falling
Falling down from my lonely eyes
And they're blue tears
They keep falling
Falling down from my lonely eyes
Falling down from my lonely eyes
And they're falling from my lonely eyes
They're falling for you

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Toby Christensen, Pall Jenkins
Record Label(s): 1999 Touch And Go Records
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