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Stitched To My Heart
Black Heart Procession
Black Heart Procession wikiStitched To My Heart video


Stitched To My Heart Lyrics

my heart is bleeding rain drops, they're lonely rain drops
when it used to shower all night long
and in the well they'll find my heart, that I gave to you

my heart is bleeding rain drops, they're lonely rain drops
when it used to shower all night long
and in the well they'll find my heart, that I gave to you
and in the end they'll find your name, stitched to my heart
I've been locked away
I'll keep it locked away
I'll keep it locked away
where they'll find no trace
I'll keep it locked away
where they'll find no trace
I'll keep it locked away
where they'll find no trace

and in the well they'll find my heart, that I gave to you
and in the end they'll find her name, stitched to my heart

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Pall Jenkins, Toby Christensen
Record Label(s): 1998 The Black Heart Procession
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