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Liar's Ink
Black Heart Procession
Black Heart Procession wikiLiar's Ink video


Liar's Ink Lyrics

Time won't forget the lies
Time can't forget the lies
Till the day you die Where memory is gone
You won't forget the lies
You can't forget the lies
Till the day you die
It's not meant to stay It ain't everything It
ain't anyway
It's in everything It's in every way It ain't
every day
It ain't anything It's not meant to stay It's n
ot what you say
It's not meant to stay
Time won't forget your lies
Time can't forget your lies
Till the day you die
Your memory is gone
I won't forget this time
I can't forgive this time
Till the day you die
and your memory is gone

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2009 Temporary Residence Ltd
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