Love not our love
love isn’t supposed to be this way
love is a poison ring
and love has poured you drinks
now love waits for you to sleep
don’t lend it to a friend
’cause you may never see that friend again
don’t bother with a cover ’cause love can
pick out the fakes
but that’s not our love
not our love
this crime of love
love isn’t supposed to be this way
love will sting and love will burn
love will steal all you’ve learned
yes it will but not our love
sometimes in your back
and sometimes in your heart
it’s a double edged sword
don’t you bother with a cover
’cause in a crowd love can pick out the fakes
but that’s not our love
not our love
(and the girls sing along) do you hear this cry for love
do you see this crime of love
love waits for you to sleep
don’t lend it to a friend
you can easily pick out the fakes
don’t you see this crime of love
this crime of love holds you here
sting burn steal learn
don’t turn your back on my heart
you can easily pick out the fakes
El amor no nuestro amor
love isn't supposed to be this way el amor no se supone que de esta manera
love is a poison ring el amor es un veneno anillo
and love has poured you drinks y el amor que ha derramado bebidas
now love waits for you to sleep ahora el amor te espera para dormir
don't lend it to a friend no se prestan a un amigo
'cause you may never see that friend again 'causa usted puede ver que nunca de nuevo amigo
don't bother with a cover 'cause love can no se moleste con una tapa "puede causar el amor
pick out the fakes seleccionar las falsificaciones
but that's not our love pero ese no es nuestro amor
not our love no nuestro amor
this crime of love este crimen de amor
love isn't supposed to be this way el amor no se supone que de esta manera
love will sting and love will burn picar el amor y el amor se quemarán
love will steal all you've learned el amor robar todo lo que ha aprendido
yes it will but not our love sí se, pero no nuestro amor
sometimes in your back a veces en la espalda
and sometimes in your heart y, a veces, en tu corazón
it's a double edged sword es una espada de doble filo
don't you bother with a cover no te molestan con una tapa
'cause in a crowd love can pick out the fakes 'causa en medio de una multitud amor puede seleccionar los falsificadores
but that's not our love pero ese no es nuestro amor
not our love no nuestro amor
(and the girls sing along) do you hear this cry for (y las niñas a lo largo de cantar), ¿escuchar este grito de
love amor
do you see this crime of love ¿cree que este crimen de amor
love waits for you to sleep el amor te espera para dormir
don't lend it to a friend no se prestan a un amigo
you can easily pick out the fakes usted puede seleccionar fácilmente los falsificadores
don't you see this crime of love ¿No ves este crimen de amor
this crime of love holds you here este crimen de amor tiene usted aquí
sting burn steal learn aguijón grabar robar aprender
don't turn your back on my heart no a su vez su espalda en mi corazón
you can easily pick out the fakes usted puede seleccionar fácilmente los falsificadores