Ndk Lyrics
[Verse 1]
So you stay home for today
At least that's what you say
You've got it (x3)
You're all alone
[Verse 2]
You could have turned into blue
But not if you want me to
Like there's nothing more to say now, but
You've got it (x3)
Oh, you're all alone
You've got to understand what is right
[Verse 3]
I did wonder who you are
In that pink dress from afar
Like I pictured dancing children, but
You've got it (x3)
Oh, you're all alone
You've got it (x3)
Oh, you're all alone
You've got it (x3)
Oh, you're all alone
I know that yes
You've had it (x3)
But no, not anymore
You've got to understand what is right
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these lyrics are submitted by itunew3
Record Label(s): 2017 Jazzhaus Records
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